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Fish Eye

Demo code
<!-- eslint-disable ts/no-use-before-define -->

<script setup lang="ts">
import { gsap } from 'gsap'
import { Environment, OrbitControls, Precipitation, RoundedBox } from '@tresjs/cientos'
import { TresCanvas } from '@tresjs/core'
import { TresLeches, useControls } from '@tresjs/leches'
import { EffectComposerPmndrs, FishEyePmndrs } from '@tresjs/post-processing'
import { BackSide, NoToneMapping } from 'three'
import { ref, watch } from 'vue'
import { BlendFunction } from 'postprocessing'

import '@tresjs/leches/styles'

const gl = {
  clearColor: '#ffffff',
  toneMapping: NoToneMapping,
  multisampling: 8,

const lensParams = [
  { lensSX: 1.0, lensSY: 1.0, lensFX: 0.0, lensFY: 1.0 },
  { lensSX: 0.5, lensSY: 1.0, lensFX: -0.25, lensFY: 0.75 },
  { lensSX: 1.0, lensSY: 1.0, lensFX: -1.0, lensFY: 1.0 },
  { lensSX: 0.8, lensSY: 0.8, lensFX: -0.5, lensFY: 0.5 },
  { lensSX: 1, lensSY: 1, lensFX: 0, lensFY: 2 },
  { lensSX: -0.7, lensSY: 0.7, lensFX: 0.5, lensFY: -0.5 },
  { lensSX: -1.2, lensSY: 1.2, lensFX: 1.0, lensFY: -1.0 },
  { lensSX: 1, lensSY: 1, lensFX: 0, lensFY: 0 },
  { lensSX: 0.9, lensSY: 0.9, lensFX: 1.5, lensFY: -1.5 },
  { lensSX: 1.3, lensSY: 1.3, lensFX: 1.5, lensFY: -1.0 },

const tweenParams = {
  duration: 2,
  ease: 'elastic.out(0.85,0.3)',

const localBlendFunction = ref(BlendFunction.NORMAL)

const currentIndex = ref(0)

const onSwitch = () => {
  currentIndex.value = (currentIndex.value + 1) % lensParams.length, { value: lensParams[currentIndex.value].lensSX, ...tweenParams }), { value: lensParams[currentIndex.value].lensSY, ...tweenParams }), { value: lensParams[currentIndex.value].lensFX, ...tweenParams }), { value: lensParams[currentIndex.value].lensFY, ...tweenParams })

const { enabled, lensSX, lensSY, lensFX, lensFY, scale } = useControls({
  acceptBtn: {
    label: 'Switch Lens',
    type: 'button',
    onClick: onSwitch,
    size: 'md',
  lensSX: { value: lensParams[0].lensSX, step: 0.01, min: -2, max: 2 },
  lensSY: { value: lensParams[0].lensFY, step: 0.01, min: -2, max: 2 },
  lensFX: { value: lensParams[0].lensFX, step: 0.01, min: -2, max: 2 },
  lensFY: { value: lensParams[0].lensFY, step: 0.01, min: -2, max: 2 },
  scale: { value: 1.0, step: 0.01, min: 0.1, max: 2 },
  enabled: true,

watch(enabled, () => {
  localBlendFunction.value = enabled.value ? BlendFunction.NORMAL : BlendFunction.SKIP

  <div class="aspect-16/9">
        :position="[5, 5, 5]"
      <OrbitControls :target="[0, .5, 0]" auto-rotate :maxPolarAngle="Math.PI / 2" />

        <Environment preset="snow" />

      <TresAmbientLight :intensity=".5" />

      <TresMesh :rotation-x="-Math.PI / 2">
        <TresPlaneGeometry :args="[15, 15]" />

        <TresSphereGeometry :args="[7.5, 32, 32]" />

        v-for="(positionX, index) in [-1.75, 1.75]"
        :args="[2, 2, 2, 2, 0.25]"


            :lensS="[lensSX, lensSY]"
            :lensF="[lensFX, lensFY]"
  <TresLeches :float="false" />

The FishEye is a custom effect simulates the wide-angle distortion of a fish-eye lens. Common in photography and videography, it creates a hemispherical view with a unique, immersive visual experience. The distortion bends the image outward from the center, creating a bubble-like appearance.


The <FishEyePmndrs> component is straightforward to use and provides customizable options to fine-tune the fish-eye effect.

<script setup lang="ts">
import { TresCanvas } from '@tresjs/core'
import { EffectComposerPmndrs, FishEyePmndrs } from '@tresjs/post-processing'
import { BlendFunction } from 'postprocessing'

const gl = {
  clearColor: '#4f4f4f',
  toneMapping: NoToneMapping,
  multisampling: 8,

const effectProps = {
  blendFunction: BlendFunction.NORMAL,
  lensS: [1.0, 1.0],
  lensF: [0.0, 1.0],
  scale: 1.0,

  <TresCanvas v-bind="gl">
    <TresPerspectiveCamera :position="[5, 5, 5]" />

      <TresSphereGeometry :args="[5, 32, 32]" />
      <TresMeshPhysicalMaterial :metalness="0.5" :roughness="0.25" />

        <FishEyePmndrs v-bind="effectProps" />


blendFunctionDefines how the effect blends with the original scene. See the BlendFunction options.BlendFunction.NORMAL
lensSThe lens scale.
A Vector2 value or an array of two numbers. (ex: [0.5, .75])
Vector2(1.0, 1.0)
lensFThe lens factor.
A Vector2 value or an array of two numbers. (ex: [0.0, 0.5])
Vector2(0.0, 1.0)
scaleThe scale of the effect. A number.1.0

Further Reading

For an example of the fish-eye effect in WebGL, see the Fish Eye Effect on Shadertoy.