Shock Wave
Demo code
<script setup lang="ts">
import { ContactShadows, Environment, OrbitControls } from '@tresjs/cientos'
import { TresCanvas } from '@tresjs/core'
import { TresLeches, useControls } from '@tresjs/leches'
import { NoToneMapping, Shape, Vector3 } from 'three'
import { computed, onUnmounted, reactive, ref, shallowRef } from 'vue'
import { DepthPickingPassPmndrs, EffectComposerPmndrs, ShockWavePmndrs } from '@tresjs/post-processing'
import { useElementBounding, useMouse } from '@vueuse/core'
import { gsap } from 'gsap'
import '@tresjs/leches/styles'
const gl = {
clearColor: '#8D404A',
toneMapping: NoToneMapping,
const glComposer = {
multisampling: 4,
const shockWaveEffectRef = shallowRef(null)
const elCanvasRef = ref(null)
const mainRef = ref(null)
const depthPickingPassRef = ref(null)
const meshHeartRef = ref(null)
const mousePosition = ref(new Vector3())
function createHeartShape(scale: number) {
const shape = new Shape()
const x = 0
const y = 0
shape.moveTo(x, y)
shape.bezierCurveTo(x, y, x - 0.5 * scale, y + 2.5 * scale, x - 2.5 * scale, y + 2.5 * scale)
shape.bezierCurveTo(x - 6.5 * scale, y + 2.5 * scale, x - 6.5 * scale, y - 1.5 * scale, x - 6.5 * scale, y - 1.5 * scale)
shape.bezierCurveTo(x - 6.5 * scale, y - 4.5 * scale, x - 3.5 * scale, y - 7 * scale, x, y - 9.5 * scale)
shape.bezierCurveTo(x + 3.5 * scale, y - 7 * scale, x + 6.5 * scale, y - 4.5 * scale, x + 6.5 * scale, y - 1.5 * scale)
shape.bezierCurveTo(x + 6.5 * scale, y - 1.5 * scale, x + 6.5 * scale, y + 2.5 * scale, x + 2.5 * scale, y + 2.5 * scale)
shape.bezierCurveTo(x + 0.5 * scale, y + 2.5 * scale, x, y, x, y)
return shape
const heartShapeFront = createHeartShape(0.35)
const { x, y } = useMouse({ target: mainRef })
const { width, height, left, top } = useElementBounding(mainRef)
const extrudeSettings = reactive({
depth: 0.1,
bevelEnabled: true,
bevelSegments: 2,
steps: 2,
bevelSize: 0.25,
bevelThickness: 0.25,
const materialProps = reactive({
color: '#FF9999',
reflectivity: 0.75,
ior: 1.5,
roughness: 0.75,
clearcoat: 0.01,
clearcoatRoughness: 0.15,
transmission: 0.7,
let tl: gsap.core.Timeline
const ctx = gsap.context(() => { })
const { amplitude, waveSize, speed, maxRadius } = useControls({
amplitude: { value: 0.4, step: 0.01, max: 1.0 },
waveSize: { value: 0.5, step: 0.01, max: 1.0 },
speed: { value: 1.5, step: 0.1, max: 10.0 },
maxRadius: { value: 0.2, step: 0.01, max: 2 },
const cursorX = computed(() => ((x.value - left.value - width.value) / width.value) * 2.0 + 1.0)
const cursorY = computed(() => -((y.value - top.value - height.value) / height.value) * 2.0 - 1.0)
async function updateMousePosition() {
if (!elCanvasRef.value || !shockWaveEffectRef.value || !depthPickingPassRef.value) { return }
const ndcPosition = new Vector3(cursorX.value, cursorY.value, 0)
// Read depth from depth picking pass
ndcPosition.z = await depthPickingPassRef.value.pass.readDepth(ndcPosition)
ndcPosition.z = ndcPosition.z * 2.0 - 1.0
function triggerShockWave() {
if (!meshHeartRef.value || !shockWaveEffectRef.value) { return }
const duration = getActiveDuration()
const durationSeconds = duration / 1000
ctx.add(() => {
tl = gsap.timeline(), {
duration: durationSeconds / 9,
x: 0.8,
y: 0.8,
z: 0.8,
ease: 'power2.inOut',
}).to(meshHeartRef.value.scale, {
duration: durationSeconds / 9,
x: 1.2,
y: 1.2,
z: 1.2,
ease: 'power2.inOut',
}).to(meshHeartRef.value.scale, {
duration: durationSeconds / 9,
x: 1,
y: 1,
z: 1,
ease: 'power2.inOut',
// Fallback for onFinish explode Shock Wave
// setTimeout(() => {
// console.log('Explode effect animation done')
// }, duration)
function getActiveDuration() {
// This function retrieves the duration for emitting the shock wave.
// For more details, see:
// To reduce the duration of the animation, you can decrease the values of maxRadius and waveSize.
// Note that the speed affects how quickly the shock wave radius increases over time, but not the total duration of the emit explode.
// Retrieve the values dynamically
const radiusMax = maxRadius.value
const wave = waveSize.value
// Duration formula: 2 * maxRadius + 3 * waveSize
const duration = 2 * radiusMax + 3 * wave
// Convert to milliseconds
return duration * 1000
onUnmounted(() => {
<div ref="mainRef" class="aspect-16/9 relative">
:position="[0, 0, 10]"
<OrbitControls make-default auto-rotate />
<TresMesh ref="meshHeartRef" :position-y="2" @click="triggerShockWave">
<TresExtrudeGeometry :args="[heartShapeFront, extrudeSettings]" />
:position="[5, 5, 7.5]"
<Environment preset="night" />
<EffectComposerPmndrs v-bind="glComposer">
<DepthPickingPassPmndrs ref="depthPickingPassRef" />
<ShockWavePmndrs ref="shockWaveEffectRef" :position="mousePosition" :amplitude="amplitude" :waveSize="waveSize" :speed="speed" :maxRadius="maxRadius" />
<p class="doc-shock-wave-instructions text-xs font-semibold text-zinc-600">Click on the heart to distribute love</p>
<TresLeches :float="false" />
<style scoped>
.doc-shock-wave-instructions {
position: absolute;
bottom: 0;
left: 0;
padding: 0.65rem 0.85rem;
text-align: center;
color: #fff;
z-index: 2;
border-radius: 0px 10px 0px 0px;
background: linear-gradient(90deg, hsla(24, 100%, 83%, 1) 0%, hsla(341, 91%, 68%, 1) 100%);
margin: 0;
The ShockWave
effect is part of the postprocessing
package. It simulates a shockwave effect originating from a center point, creating a ripple-like distortion in the scene. This effect can add dramatic impact to your scene by simulating explosions or other shockwave phenomena.
The <ShockWavePmndrs>
component is easy to use and provides customizable options to suit different visual styles. There are several possible techniques to achieve this. See Events and DepthPickingPass for more details.
The main difference between Events
and DepthPickingPass
lies in the scope you want. Events
is more suited for being used on a specific element, while DepthPickingPass
is intended to be used for an entire scene (depth is calculated globally).
To determine the position of the shockwave effect, you can use Tres.js events. Tres.js allows you to handle user interactions directly and find the intersection point with objects in the scene. This technique is useful when you need to interact with specific objects based on user input.
You can use various Tres.js events such as click
, pointer-enter
, etc., to trigger the shockwave effect. For more details about available events, see the documentation.
Here is an example of how to use events to trigger the shockwave effect:
<script setup lang="ts">
import { EffectComposerPmndrs, ShockWavePmndrs } from '@tresjs/post-processing'
import { useMouse, useWindowSize } from '@vueuse/core'
import { NoToneMapping, Vector3 } from 'three'
import { TresCanvas } from '@tresjs/core'
const gl = {
toneMapping: NoToneMapping,
const effectProps = {
speed: 0.2,
const shockWaveEffectRef = ref(null)
const mousePosition = ref(new Vector3(0,0,0))
const { x, y } = useMouse()
const { width, height } = useWindowSize()
const cursorX = computed(() => (x.value / width.value) * 2.0 - 1.0)
const cursorY = computed(() => -(y.value / height.value) * 2.0 + 1.0)
function updateMousePosition({ point }) {
function triggerShockWave() {
if (!shockWaveEffectRef.value) { return }
<TresCanvas v-bind="gl">
<TresPerspectiveCamera :position="[5, 5, 5]" />
<TresMesh @click="triggerShockWave">
<TresBoxGeometry />
<TresMeshStandardMaterial color="#1C1C1E" />
The DepthPickingPassPmndrs
component reads depth information from the scene. This is particularly useful for interacting with 3D objects based on their depth, such as triggering effects at specific points in 3D space.
In the example above, DepthPickingPassPmndrs
determines the depth of the point where the shockwave effect should originate, allowing accurate interaction with 3D objects.
<script setup lang="ts">
import { DepthPickingPassPmndrs, EffectComposerPmndrs, ShockWavePmndrs } from '@tresjs/post-processing'
import { useMouse, useWindowSize } from '@vueuse/core'
import { NoToneMapping, Vector3 } from 'three'
import { TresCanvas } from '@tresjs/core'
* The camera value is retrieved via a ref here (elCanvasRef) because using
* is not possible at the same level as <TresCanvas>.
const gl = {
toneMapping: NoToneMapping,
const effectProps = {
speed: 0.2,
const mousePosition = ref(new Vector3(0, 0, 0))
const depthPickingPassRef = ref(null)
const shockWaveEffectRef = ref(null)
const elCanvasRef = ref(null)
const { x, y } = useMouse()
const { width, height } = useWindowSize()
const cursorX = computed(() => (x.value / width.value) * 2.0 - 1.0)
const cursorY = computed(() => -(y.value / height.value) * 2.0 + 1.0)
async function updateMousePosition() {
if (!elCanvasRef.value || !depthPickingPassRef.value) { return }
const ndcPosition = new Vector3(cursorX.value, cursorY.value, 0)
ndcPosition.z = await depthPickingPassRef.value.pass.readDepth(ndcPosition)
ndcPosition.z = ndcPosition.z * 2.0 - 1.0
function triggerShockWave() {
if (!shockWaveEffectRef.value) { return }
<TresPerspectiveCamera :position="[5, 5, 5]" />
<TresMesh @click="triggerShockWave">
<TresBoxGeometry />
<TresMeshStandardMaterial color="#1C1C1E" />
<DepthPickingPassPmndrs ref="depthPickingPassRef" />
For more details about DepthPickingPass, see the documentation.
Prop | Description | Default |
position | The position of the shockwave. | Vector3(0, 0, 0) |
amplitude | The amplitude of the shockwave. | 0.05 |
waveSize | The wave size of the shockwave. | 0.2 |
speed | The speed of the shockwave. | 2.0 |
maxRadius | The max radius of the shockwave. | 1.0 |
Further Reading
For more details, see the ShockWave documentation