Kuwahara (Watercolor Painting)
Demo code
<script setup lang="ts">
import { ContactShadows, Environment, OrbitControls, useGLTF } from '@tresjs/cientos'
import { TresCanvas } from '@tresjs/core'
import { TresLeches, useControls } from '@tresjs/leches'
import { EffectComposerPmndrs, KuwaharaPmndrs } from '@tresjs/post-processing'
import { BlendFunction } from 'postprocessing'
import { NoToneMapping } from 'three'
import { reactive, watch } from 'vue'
import '@tresjs/leches/styles'
const gl = {
clearColor: '#3386E0',
toneMapping: NoToneMapping,
const glComposer = {
multisampling: 4,
const { scene: scenePlantJar } = await useGLTF('https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Tresjs/assets/main/models/gltf/kuwahara-effect/plant-jar/plant-jar.glb', { draco: true })
const { scene: sceneWatermelon } = await useGLTF('https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Tresjs/assets/main/models/gltf/kuwahara-effect/watermelon/watermelon_fruit.glb', { draco: true })
const effectProps = reactive({
blendFunction: BlendFunction.NORMAL,
const { enabled, radius, sectorCount } = useControls({
enabled: true,
radius: { value: 10, min: 1, max: 15, step: 1 },
sectorCount: { value: 4, min: 1, max: 8, step: 1 },
watch(enabled, () => {
effectProps.blendFunction = enabled.value ? BlendFunction.NORMAL : BlendFunction.SKIP
<div class="aspect-16/9">
:position="[0, 6.5, 15]"
<OrbitControls />
<TresAmbientLight :intensity="1" />
<TresDirectionalLight />
<primitive :position-x="-3" :position-y="-3.5" :scale="5" :object="scenePlantJar" />
<primitive :position-x="4" :scale="20" :object="sceneWatermelon" />
<Environment :blur="0.2" preset="snow" />
<EffectComposerPmndrs v-bind="glComposer">
<KuwaharaPmndrs :blendFunction="Number(effectProps.blendFunction)" :radius="radius" :sectorCount="sectorCount" />
<TresLeches :float="false" />
The Kuwahara
effect is part of the postprocessing
package. It allows you to apply a Kuwahara filter to your scene, providing a painterly effect.
The Kuwahara effect smooths out an image while keeping the edges sharp. It splits the image into small parts, checks each part for differences, and uses the part with the least differences. This makes the image look like a painting, reducing noise but keeping important details.
The <KuwaharaPmndrs>
component is straightforward to use and provides customizable options to fine-tune the Kuwahara effect.
<script setup lang="ts">
import { TresCanvas } from '@tresjs/core'
import { EffectComposerPmndrs, KuwaharaPmndrs } from '@tresjs/post-processing'
import { NoToneMapping } from 'three'
const gl = {
clearColor: '#0ff000',
toneMapping: NoToneMapping,
const effectProps = reactive({
radius: 1,
sectorCount: 4,
<TresCanvas v-bind="gl">
<TresPerspectiveCamera :position="[5, 5, 5]" />
<KuwaharaPmndrs v-bind="effectProps" />
Prop | Description | Default |
radius | The intensity of the Kuwahara effect. A value between 0 (no effect) and 1 (maximum effect). | 1 |
blendFunction | Defines how the effect blends with the original scene. See the BlendFunction options. | BlendFunction.NORMAL |
sectorCount | The number of sectors used in the Kuwahara filter. Higher values can improve the quality of the effect but may reduce performance. It is preferable that the value is an Integer . The maximum value is 8 . | 4 |
It is normal to experience a drastic drop in FPS when you significantly increase the radius
in the Kuwahara effect. This is because a higher radius
increases the number of calculations performed for each pixel, which can be very costly in terms of performance. If you decide to have a higher radius due to aesthetic constraints or other reasons, the sectorCount
value has been integrated to counteract the frame drop.
The sectorCount
value in the shader determines the number of sectors used to calculate the variance and average color in the Kuwahara effect. It divides the space around each pixel into several sectors to perform these calculations. A higher number of sectors can improve the quality of the effect but also increases the computational cost. Therefore, the sectorCount
value helps find a good compromise between rendering quality and performance.
Therefore, you should reduce the sectorCount
value if you decide to increase the radius
and you experience frame drops.
Further Reading
Inspired by and based on the post On Crafting Painterly Shaders.